Register of Public Sector Partners
(hereinafter referred to as the „RPSP“) is a public administration
information system containing details of public sector partners and their final
beneficiaries as well entitled persons.
Public Sector Partner
referred to as the „PSP“) is a beneficiary or a future beneficiary of public
resources and an entity that shall be recorded in the RPSP.
Subject Other than the PSP
is an entity
that is voluntarily recorded in the RPSP.
Entitled Person
(hereinafter referred
to as the „EP“) is an entity defined by the law that performs
activities for the PSP or an entity other than the PSP in registration
proceedings and that is responsible for the correctness of the data recorded in
the RPSP and their regular update.
Final Beneficiary
(hereinafter referred to as the „FB“) is a natural
person who has true control over or controls the Ordering
Party hereunder and each and every natural person in favour of whom the Ordering
Party performs its activities or does its business.
Verification Document
(hereinafter referred to
as the „VD“) is a document that identifies the FB and
is drawn up by the Entitled Person.